Friday, January 30, 2009

Saturday Work


The world is in crisis. Economies are melting down. Firms are closing. People are losing their jobs.

And guess what our company is planning to do in the midst of this crisis: imposing a Saturday work.

Funny, right?

Some government offices and schools are trying to shorten their working days from five to four. (UP has no work on Wednesdays). This is proven effective in cutting down expenses -- electricity, etc.

And why is it that my company is going against the flow?

Most employees (myslef included) are now contemplating of career/work change. I am planning to go abroad to be with my mom and work as a caregiver for the mean time. I love my job here but I love myself too. and Saturday is my time to do house chores and sometimes, unwind.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I am turning 31 this year.

I am excited, yes. I am now in my 30s and what do 30s women do? They dominate!!! haha... this is the turning point in every woman's life.

I lived my life to the fullest (and foolest) when I was in my 20s, but starting today, I will be different.

i will save money.

i will start investing.

i will take care of my health.

i will appreciate more the people around me (family, fiance and friends)

i will be more serious and passionate with work.

i will strive to learn new things.

i will put on sunblock.

i will live more, laugh more and love more.

i will be a better Rio.