Last week, I got a text message from my friend. He said that our favorite music (grunge, alternative) are played in Channel V's Back Tracks. It hit us! 90s is now the new 80s!
I love my generation, i love my decade and so I create this list as my tribute to the 90s.
90 Things from the 90s
1. Titanic
2. The Matrix
3. The Craft
4. Silence of the Lambs
5. Reality Bites
6. Clueless
7. Fight Club
8. Romeo + Juliet
9. Encino Man
10. Forrest Gump
11. Beverly Hills 90210
12. Friends
13. Baywatch
14. Beavis and Butthead
15. The Simpsons
16. South Park
17. Dawsons Creek
18. Abangan ang Susunod na Kabanata
19. Ober da Bakod
20. Buddy en Sol
Music (Grunge, Boyband, Rave)
21. Smells Like Teen Spirit
22. Nirvana
23. Pearl Jam
24. Stone Temple Pilots
25. Smashing Pumpkins
26. Eraserheads
27. Parokya ni Edgar
28. Put3Ska
29. Yano
30. Rivermaya
31. Color it Red
32. Wolfgang
33. Oasis
34. Red Hot CHili Peppers
35. TLC
36. Britney Spears
37. Tupac Shakur, Notorious BIG, Puff Daddy
38. Spice Girls
39. Alanis Morissette
40. Back Street Boys
41. The Rachel hairstyle
42. Baby tees
43. dark lipstick
44. plaid
45. skorts (skirt na short)
46. skirts and boots
47. goth fashion, body piercings (tongue and nose ring)
48. Jansport bags
49. torn jeans
50. Tretorns - dirty, rugged, with writings
51. STreetfighter
52. Counterstrike
53. Tekken
54. Warcraft
55. Tamagotchi
56. WWW
57. mIRC
58. ICQ
59. Dolly the Cloned Sheep
60. Discman
61. Powerful Women (Benazir Bhutto, Thatcher, Clinton, Oprah, Aung San Suu Kyi, Madeleine Albright, Janet Reno)
62. Efren "Bata" Reyes
Death of Princess Diana
Columbine High School Massacre
Blue Ice Beer