Yesterday, I attended a meeting in UP with my boss, Esther A. Vibal. UP Regent Nelia Gonzales called for that meeting which was attended by fiery women from the academe, business and government.
The meeting was about the plan to install a female marker/statue (finally!) in UP Diliman. This initiative came from the UP Center for Women's Studies. The main agenda was about how to raise funds for this project. Fortunately, this won't be a huge problem since many have expressed their desire to help.
The attendees to this meeting were DSWD Secretary Esperanza Cabral, Dean Candida Adalla (first female dean of the College of Agriculture in UPLB), UP Professors Emeritus Thelma Kintanar and Ofelia Regala-Angangco, and PCSO General Manager Rosario Uriarte.
I was surprised to know that there were no female markers in UP Diliman. UPLB has two: Mariang Makiling near the UPLB Library and the Mariang Banga near Palma Bridge.
The statue/marker will represent the modern Filipina. I will not state here the commissioned artist, nor describe the proposed design. Let us just wait and be surprised!
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